Monday, August 29, 2016

Hurricane Party

Nineteen gang members braved the weather to celebrate this Monday. Okay so it wasn't a real hurricane, only a tropical disturbance. And it wasn't really off the coast of Jupiter but rather somewhere southwest of Key West. And it didn't rain here at all. But it was a party! 

Ava came by to show everyone her new locket, a golden pair of flip flops (Don't call them sandals). The jigsawers put at least 17 new pieces into the puzzle from Hades and Bruce educated us all about flying while buzzed. Ruthye's hero, Ted, was able to wrestle open her overstuffed mailbox and retrieve her mail, bills and all. Just another day of neighbors being neighborly. What a great place to live!

The puzzle is becoming too popular. There were nine gang members at the table at one point. Maybe we should get two identical puzzles, break into teams and see which table could complete the puzzle fastest. We could even give odds and place bets. Or mix up the puzzles for even more fun.

Good neighbors, good times!

See y'all next Monday!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Summer in Callahan's Bubble

Another hot one in Tuscany. Those of us who enjoy good eye-hand coordination worked on the jigsaw puzzle. Those of us who don't sat around and solved the world's many problems. Those of us who don't have good eye-hand coordination and don't have any solutions for the world's many problems ate cookies. All of us had a good time. 

Okay guys, on three!

good times

We'll do it again next Monday!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Ruthye Rocks the Puzzle - Bill Rocks the Vote

Just when everyone was about to give up on the jigsaw puzzle, Ruthye puts in two-dozen pieces. Earlier, Jack had offered to help by making the puzzle disappear. Several of the puzzlers offered to make him disappear. Ouch!

Speaking of disappearing, Bocce Bill was nowhere to be found. Rumor had it he was working early voting. Ted stood up his doctor to attend the meet and Leslie brought his Nook to confound us all.

Bruce, it was learned, pays Michelle to call him into her office each Monday when it is time to break down the tables and chairs. Very smart. Very presidential.

Again no bocce ball. Too much midday sun, not enough Englishmen. Or Englishwomen. Or mad dogs for that matter. Maybe next week.

Speaking of dogs, if you run in to Mark, ask him to tell you the story about Sparky and the bedroom carpet. Oh yes, and ask Ruthye about her new breeding venture!

Hope to see you all next Monday!

Monday, August 8, 2016

Dog Days of Summer

Another Monday gang meet. Another hot and humid summer day in paradise. Dog days for sure.

Dog Daze of Summer

Sue-Sue announced she had come to play, bocce ball that is. She was tired of the jig saw puzzle and had a hankering to beat up on the guys. In the picture below, see if you can count the number of brave men willing to answer her challenge.

Adele, tired of putting up with Jack and fighting with the jigsaw puzzle too, put some flowers in her hair and took off for the city by the bay. No, not Tampa! Pat is heading back to New Jersey tomorrow with Ron and Nancy following her up next Monday. Be safe, guys, we'll see you in the fall. Ted would rather hang out with his doctor than attend our gang meets.

The puzzle continues to confound. "Never in the history of man, have so many done so little for so long."  

See you on Monday! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Old Greeks and Clean Carpet

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus outwitted Death. For his disrespect to Zeus, he was condemned to eternally push a heavy rock to the top of a steep hill, where it would roll down again. And again. And again!  What does this have to do with the Clubhouse Gang? Well, everything. Just ask the jigsaw puzzle gang! The puzzle is just that hard. The team even called in Helen to help. Barbara, the official Gangster statistician, estimated that at the current rate of 15 added pieces weekly, the puzzle will be completed by May. Not sure, though, if that is in 2017 or 2018.

Puzzled Puzzlers

Recently retired, Tim joined us for the first time and immediately made an impact on the bocce ball court. And Lucy, well she refused to play, choosing to rest on her laurels. Jack decided to visit his dentist rather than lose again. 

Pat is back from New Jersey and Mark is rescuing a playmate for Beanie and Muffin, a two year old terrier mix currently named Sparky.

The clubhouse carpet and kitchen tile has been cleaned.  Looks good.  Thanks, Campbell! 

Have a good week, everybody!