Monday, November 30, 2015

This Post's for you, Ruth Ann . . .

The Clubhouse Gang sent November out in style with cookies, muffins, coffee, conversation and puzzlemania.  (I know, it's not a word but it's descriptive none the less.) 

Sue, Donna Lyona and Adele rocking the puzzle!

Keith and Vickie joined us all the way from Iowa. They must have liked what they saw as they plan to return this winter for a longer stay. Ruthye and Leslie were missing in action, recovering from their Thanksgiving trip to Massachusetts. Harriet and Bill are still at bocce ball camp in New Jersey. Ted stopped by but Barbara couldn't tear herself away from the NY Times. The puzzle gang could have used her help by the way.  Ruth Ann (with the cap of many colors) and Gunther showed up fashionably late.

Dolores wants to see the Egyptian pyramids one more time. Bruce would like to revisit Mexico, something about the water - or was it the cervesa? At any rate, we were advised not to fly in an airbus wherever we go - French engines no doubt.

Have a great week, everyone! We hope to see you next Monday. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

It's Been One Year

Can you believe it? We've been meeting for one year now. Monday morning coffee, goodies, games and conversation. Can't imagine starting the week without it.

The puzzle table was busy as was the conversation pit. The bocce ball court was empty. Bill and Harriett were up north for November. (Really?  Aren't you supposed to come south in the fall, north in the summer?)  Rumor has it Bill is attending a bocce ball camp and Harriett is enjoying the quiet.  

Ruth Ann is back, dragging Gunther, her husband, with her. Good to have her back and to finally meet Gunther. 

Sue was absent. She is a key member of the puzzle team but the group pushed on anyway (next man up!) and finished the puzzle.  A new, more difficult puzzle has been started.

Ruthye brought some of her famous banana bread; Donna came with her famous store-bought rugelach. Smiles and crumbs were everywhere.

See you next Monday!

One More Puzzle Completed

Monday, November 9, 2015

Monday, November 2, 2015

Sand in our Shoes

Well, that was interesting. When we arrived at the clubhouse today, we found our jigsaw puzzle broken up and thrown in the trash along with a puzzle board and our mats. Did that ruin our day? No way! It was just sand in our shoes.

We started another puzzle, played some bocce ball, caught up with our friends and neighbors, had some coffee (Dunkin Dark and Dunkin Original) and generally enjoyed ourselves. 

The Clubhouse Gang rocks!  

See you next Monday for more good times.